Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Fleet Management Mobile App- It Is Must For Safe And Happy Driving

Distraction is the main reason of most of the road accidents, but still a lot of people don’t learn from these accidents and always hold phones while driving. One should know that holding or talking on the phone while driving not only creates a solid chance of accident, but it is also illegal in the eyes of law.
As per the study, around 88% drivers are guilty of distracted driving, however, it should definitely be eliminated as soon as possible using effective and intelligent practices. Do you know around you lots of great apps have been developed so far which are the best to have a safe ride? Well, surely there are many, but when it comes to safety, authenticity, and reliable app, there is nothing better that Fleetmode app.  Yes, this is the best app which is using by various people, especially car rental service providers to track out the whole team and offer them great protection.
Talking about its very effective and innovative Distracted driving solution, it offers very simple fleet manager which is very useful for all including- owners of car rental company as it helps in tracking the drivers, generate automatic reports and one can think to stay in contact with the team through fleet wide text notifications. One can think to manage the team of small or large using any device by getting in touch with fleetmode’s simple to use management portal. Using the same, one can also think to make effective and customized safety policies which will be updated or record when every member takes the pledge never to text and drive.
This one of the best Distracted driving solutions provides amazing protection to all the drivers by making the roads a safer place. Yes, this app helps to put the mobile of all the drivers in a silent mode at the time of driving vehicle. This way they won’t able to get any message or call notification and they can ride safely. We all know the responsibility of a driver when they take passenger to one to another, thus, this app is highly necessary to avoid any kind of accidents, which may make a person permanent disable or can be died.
In order to add more protection and safety, don’t forget using SmartDot one of the best Distracted driving systems. This tiny Bluetooth device is very smart as it automatically detects the vehicle motion and automatically makes your mobile silent. Yes, if your driver often forgets keeping their phone in a silent mode, with the help of the same this work will automatically be done and your driver won’t get any notification while driving. Isn’t it so amazing?
 All in all, it has become very necessary to use fleet management mobile app, thus, everybody and every driving company, make sure to go up with the same and help avoiding road accidents which can be very dangerous for all including public property. So, if you would like to protect your and other lives, it is good to be a part of the same.

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